If you, like scores of South Africans, are diligently staying at home during the national lock-down, now might be the perfect opportunity to take the time to prep your documents and start your Australia/USA/Canada Visa or Permanent Residency Application.
South Africa’s 3-week long Covid-19 lock-down presents a number of frustrations along with the fears and uncertainties of what the future holds. Businesses are saying they are not resistant to the loss of income, the economy is on life-support, medical facilities across the country are bracing themselves for the wave of people infected with this novel corona virus who will seek medical attention in the coming days.
On 30 March President Ramaphosa once again appealed to South Africans to stay at home and help flatten the curve – a call heeded by many who are diligent about self-isolation and doing what they can to throw the country a life line before the big wave hits us.
A professional’s time spent at home can be very costly and it might be a good idea to invest those hours into your and your family’s future by starting your visa application now.
Use the time to research your visa options
Visit our website for all the information you might need about the various visa options available. We are not under a complete lock-down and still serve our clients! Contact us via email or by Facebook Messenger to speak to a qualified and experienced immigration consultant.
Our immigration consultants remain active and at your service to answer any questions you might have, assess your likely application success and even submit your application.
Australia, the USA and Canada’s Immigration Departments are still completely operational
Instead of spending three weeks binge watching Netflix and fighting off boredom why not let the lockdown work for you?
Australia, America and Canada are all still accepting and processing visa and permanent residency applications. This means that while everything else in your life is on-hold until after the lock-down, you could still get the ball rolling on your application.
It’s the perfect time to get your ducks in a row
Until lock-down ends you can use some of the time you would have spent in the office to get your admin in order. You can get your supporting documents together and collate your whole application file with documents and proofs to boot without sacrificing sleep for it.
We will help you get it done for less than you thought
While other supplier might be hiking prices we have decided to do the exact opposite. Visa and Permanent Residency application prices will be slashed by a massive 35% for the duration of the lock-down.
We know times are tough and the cost of living has significantly increased in some cases – especially for those who are self-employed. In an effort to lighten the load we will help you with your application and lodge it on your behalf for less than what you might have budgeted.