Have you ever wondered what living in Canada would be like? Have you started considering emigrating and wondered why so many people are choosing Canada over any other country? The reasons are actually quite simple; Canada offers you and your family a safe and stable life in the country with the third best quality of life in the world.
Canada has a strong and growing economy. The country’s GDP is 10th highest in the world at about $50,000 per person annually! Canada’s unemployment rate is at 5,7% placing Canada in the top performing bracket when it comes to its employment rates.
Canada’s banking system is the bedrock of its strong, secure economy and has been voted the most stable on the planet for seven consecutive years by the World Economic Forum. This financial security allows Canada to offer a good quality of life for the vast majority of residents.
Safer. The country’s violent crimes (including murder, rape and assault) stands at just over a thousand cases per 100,000 of the population. In 2018 less than two of these cases were homicide.
The OECD Better Life Index awarded Canada an impressive 9.7 out of 10 for safety and security. Gun ownership is lower partly because Canadians simply feel safer.
Cleaner. Canadians can breathe easy knowing their air quality is among the world’s best. According to a recent Fraser Institute study, Canada ranks 9th out of the 33 richest and cleanest countries on the planet for overall air quality.
In Canada people are very environmentally conscious. You’re not going to find piles of garbage everywhere, and you’ll probably never see somebody toss rubbish out their car window.
- In Canada the average household disposable income is around USD $28,194 a year (R27,000 a month).
- Canadians work only 1,702 hours a year — less than the OECD average.
- Customer service exists. Customers are treated friendly, politely and efficiently – it’s the Canadian way.
- Everyone has access to proper healthcare.
- Because of the strength of the Canadian Dollar cars, electronics, toys, medication and clothing is better quality, more affordable and a bigger variety is available.
- The public transport system is on time, neat, clean, reliable and high tech.
- Public services such as water and electricity are almost never interrupted.
- The Canadian police are known for being extremely helpful and nice while being excellent at their jobs.
- Telecommunication is brilliant. There is no such thing as cable theft. Fast and cheap internet is available everywhere you go.
- Canada values education. The government spends more per capita on education than other country in the world. As a result, Canadian children perform well across the board and, on average, stay in education longer than most other countries.
- Everyone is welcome. Canada’s Anglo-French culture was ingrained in the national identity from its conception. Forty-one of Canada’s 338 members of parliament were born overseas ensuring tolerance and multiculturalism are promoted and protected at the heart of government.
- A Tolerant and Broad-Minded Society. Canada has long been a pioneer of civil rights and was the first country outside Europe to legalized same sex marriage over a decade ago. Canada’s multicultural, diverse spirit is evident in both its forward thinking immigration policy and its zero tolerance approach to hate crimes and racial abuse.
- Canada is the second largest country in the world and undoubtedly one of the most beautiful. Toronto was recently named the fourth most attractive city in the world, proving that even the cities are pretty in Canada.
- Canada has a population of only 35 million spread across this 110 million km2 country. At an average of only 4 people per square kilometer there’s plenty of room to breathe!
With as many as 300,000 immigrants settling in Canada every year, Canada is clearly an idyllic destination for any potential expat and immigrant.