As an immigration agency we come across objections from potential clients who are looking at starting the immigration process. When we come across qualifying candidates, we drown with excitement that we can help a family or individual open so many unbelievable opportunities. They have an opportunity that only 5% of the population qualify for, not something to take lightly if you have dreamt about a better life.
Once we have determined a potential candidate we go through the process, costs and how NWI can help you. This is a lengthy procedure, and it is natural to have demur about the process. The reality is that Skilled Migration is not timeless and certain factors WILL affect your application. This is not a sale pitch we have prepared; these are facts written into legislation and ones we accompany. We have compiled the most common concerns from candidates, we face these daily and want to outline the reasons why your objections could be disabling your potential.
I will wait until the New Year, this year has been too hectic – Yes, we have all been affected by the global pandemic this year. Our country, along with most, is not going to recover overnight so why not focus on your future? In South Africa millions of people have lost their jobs, we have experienced ridiculous inflation rates each quarter and we are sceptical about where our currency is heading.
Time: Now-now, later or never - This is unfortunately a trait of all South African’s. Immigration is time sensitive, FACT! Every year you get older you lose points or move up to a new age category that warrants less points. Not many people know that this process can take up to 2 years. This does not happen overnight it take almost 3 or 4 years to start thinking about packing and moving, more than enough time to get your ducks in a row. We walk through this together, we have the best relocation service providers onshore and offshore to facilitate the move.
"Those who wait for the right time, run out of time" – Frank Calabro JR
Finances – Yes, it is not a cheap process. Not everyone can afford to immigrate however people think they can save money by doing it on their own. Would you represent yourself in court or would you enlist the services of a law professional? The principle is the same when taking into consideration the fees we charge; this is represented in our 99% success rate and reviews. The application is broken into stages and therefore so are the payments. Considering the timelines involved, making payments over stages makes this process more affordable. It may be a time to not focus on material object that give short immediate gratification and rather invest in your future and that of your family in a first world country.
Family – I cannot go without my family. Of-course, we are not expecting you to! Your partner and children are on your application and will all continue with the process to become Permanent Residents. Parents we can only help once YOU are set up. We have many clients who use their parents as a reason not to migrate and of course this is case specific. Daily we ask our potential clients to do one thing, ask them, your parents, what they would do. Most of our parents wish they had this opportunity and had no idea life would be like this when they were younger. Once you are settled and earning 4 times more than your current salary you have the financial freedom to bring them over or visit them regularly.
Job – I cannot move without a job. We understand this is a fear for many South African’s as having a job here is a major privilege. We also struggle to comprehend the thought of living in a country that has a higher quality of life and looks after its citizens. Imagine free health care, free schooling for kids, higher levels of tertiary education and of course, safety & security. For most of us this seems too good to be true! The fact that your dream job is waiting for you, the hard work is obtaining the correct status first. Understanding, when a country runs a skilled program this is their primary focus. The country wants you to gain the correct status and entice you through their perks of lifestyle, then have you search for employment before or after entering their borders. It is what THEY are asking, and they set the parameters and the question that begs, why would they offer this if there was not work for YOU to do there?
Risks involved – Risks vary, these countries set the goal posts which can also move at any time, this is fact that we need to be realistic about. If you do qualify and all goes according to plan, then the major “risks” come down to important information with regards to medical conditions, whether or not you have a criminal record or false and fraudulent documentation provided. The most common risk that stops people from doing this is age! Time frames vary depending on the visa or migration pathway and again, that is why we are here, to offer honest service that begins with a free assessment.
In closing, at New World Immigration we know what we are doing. We assist you from the start of your journey to finish using decades of experience that have made us the service provider of choice for skilled migration. We are not here to waste your time or resources. We are dealing with people’s goals and ambitions for a better life, which is not something to take lightly.